Privacy Policy

Based on the provisions of art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (below, GDPR (1), Associazione Luca Coscioni per la libertà di ricerca scientifica (hereafter, ALC), the Associazione Soccorso Civile (hereafter, ASC), the Science for Democracy Association (hereafter, SFD), and the Associazione Eumans (AEU) as joint data controllers, inform you that the personal data you have provided for the purposes of joining each of the aforementioned Associations, including the particular data (2) meaning those provided as a sympathizer or donor or militant or volunteer, or for the purpose of a mere request of information related to the initiatives carried out by the associations, will be treated for the exclusive purposes of managing the associations’ relationship or other relationship with them, in compliance with your fundamental rights and freedoms, and limited to what is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest pursued by the joint holders. (2) (3)

Your data will be processed by those who operate under the authority of the joint holders, as well as by external subjects who, where deemed necessary or appropriate, are appointed as data processors.

The treatment will take place both with paper instruments and with the aid of electronic equipment, in full compliance with the principles dictated by GDPR, also in relation to the adoption of appropriate measures to guarantee the security, protection and confidentiality of your personal data.

The provision of personal data is not mandatory, but in its absence it will not be possible to follow up the management of the associations’ relationship, meaning managing your position as a sympathizer or donor or as someone requesting information.

Personal data may be disclosed to third parties to whom some fiscal, accounting, administrative and management services are outsourced.

Your data may be used, subject to your consent, also to send informative material relating to the activities and campaigns carried out by the joint holders for the pursuit of the related statutory purposes, via sms, other messaging systems (e.g. WhatsApp), or e-mail.

Consent may be revoked at any time.

The data you provide will be kept after the termination of the associations’ relationship, only for the period necessary for the fulfillment of the legal obligations that the joint holders are required to respect, meaning for the period in any case necessary for the exercise of the rights of defence in the event of litigation.

The data provided by sympathizers or donors or militants and volunteers, or people requesting information, will be kept, subject to your consent, for the aforementioned sending of information material.

Pursuant to the GDPR, you are attributed the exercise of specific rights, including, under the conditions indicated in the GDPR, the right to access your data (art.15), to correct them (art.16), to delete them (art.17), to limit them (art.18), as well as the right to oppose the related processing (art.21) (4). All your rights may also be exercised by submitting a complaint to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

The joint holders of the processing are:

  • Associazione Luca Coscioni per la ricerca scientifica, Via di San Basilio 64 – 00187 Rome, Italy tel. 06.64010848 Fax 06.23327248– PEC – E-mail:
  • Associazione Soccorso Civile, in Via Gian Leonardo 16 – 00147 Rome, Italy 
  • Science for democracy, Rue Ducale 41 – 1000 Bruxelles – Belgium tel. +32.27810823 E-mail:
  • Associazione Eumans, Via di San Basilio 64 – 00187 Rome, Italy tel. 06.64010848 Fax 06.23327248

Last revision of this information: April 2020

[1] Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

[2]  The notion of particular data includes, among others, and as far as is relevant here, those that reveal racial or ethnic origin, union membership, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a natural person, and data relating to health

[3] The so-called legal basis of the processing must therefore be located in art. 6 par. 1 lett. f) (balancing of interest) and, for what concerns particular data, in art. 9 par. 2 lett. d) of GDPR

[4]  Since the processing of your data is based on the legitimate interest referred to in art. 6 par. 1 letter f), the conditions for exercising the right to portability pursuant to art. 20 of the GDPR are not met