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The Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems

On 26 July 2021, the Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit kicks off in Rome. The three-day event is held in preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit, scheduled for later in September in New York in combination with the UN General Assembly. 

The Pre-Summit is described as a “People’s Summit”, with the goal of involving global stakeholders at all levels, from small farmers to big industries, from individual citizens to governments, in the discussion of the Summit’s five Action Tracks designs to tackle the most challenging aspects of the food system worldwide. 

The tracks are:

  1. Ensure access to safe and nutritious food for all.
  2. Shift to sustainable consumption patterns.
  3. Boost nature-positive production.
  4. Advance equitable livelihoods.
  5. Build resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stress.

Activities such as consultations and public engagement events have already started in 2020, and resulted in various different suggested initiatives for each of the Action Tracks. The Pre-Summit will build on the data and information gathered so far and the latest worldwide scientific advances to launch actionable commitments for a new global agenda, which will be finalized at the Summit in September.

With a growing world population, a heavily damaged environment, and the global pandemic sill affecting dozens of low and medium income countries, it is evident how everything around the theme “food” has deep implications on all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

All proposed Action Tracks of the Summit need to rely on the most advanced and ambitious science and technology if they want to succeed, promoting further innovation in both the public and private sectors, and ensuring that the current and future knowledge is accessible to everyone around the world. 

In this context, the fundamental Right to Science becomes essential and indiscernible from all other basic Human Rights. Everyone should benefit from more nutritious food and from a healthy life in a restored, safe environment. 

We encourage all stakeholders to consider such essential points in their proposition and look forward to further engagement opportunities. 

Amcaja, Bakweri cocoyam farmer from Cameroon, CC BY-SA 3.0