LIVE Enjoy Science - The Appeal to the Member States of the United Nations Sign Now


Science for Democracy fosters public awareness of the Right to Science in all its declination. On this page, you can find the events and webinars we organise.

    • ISSUE
    • Controlled Substances
    • Environment and Biotechnologies
    • Evidence based debates and policies
    • Freedom of Research
    • Open Science
    • Right to science
    • author
    • Claudia Basta
    • Francesca Battista
    • Marco Perduca
    • Giulia Perrone
    • Simone Picenni
    • Franco Donati
    • Sofia Todesca
    • Andrea Boggio
    • Antonella Succurro
    • Elisabetta Dal Gal
    • Cesare P.R. Romano
    • Claudio Radaelli
    • Laura Convertino
    • Simona Giordano
    • Marco Cappato
    • Federico Binda
    • year
    • 2024
    • 2023
    • 2022
    • 2021
    • 2020
    • 2019
    • 2018