Meet our President: Laura Convertino

  • 02 Aug 2023

On the 17th of July during the Science for Democracy General Assembly and election of the Board of Members, Laura Convertino was unanimously elected to the role of President of Science for Democracy.

To get to know here better, here is her biography:

Laura Convertino is a medical doctor, NIHR (National Institute for Health and care Research) Academic Clinical Fellow in General Psychiatry at King’s College London (Maudsley), and a researcher (PhD candidate at University College London UCL) in cognitive and computational neuroscience, with a full PhD scholarship awarded by the Leverhulme Trust. Between 2021 and 2023, she hold an honorary clinical fellowship in Neurology, Epilepsy, at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London. She studied Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pavia, with a parallel diploma in Biological Sciences at IUSS (Institute of Advanced University Education) Pavia. Proud member of Collegio Ghislieri, she had the opportunity to extend her studies in basic research and clinical training in different international leading academic institutions (Kavli Institute for System Neuroscience NTNU, University of Cambridge, Harvard University, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, Paris Descartes). Founder member of Science for Democracy (2018) and active member of Associazione Luca Coscioni, she is particularly committed to issues related to access to the benefits of science and scientific knowledge, human rights, end of life choices and abortion rights, and to promoting freedom of research and the right to science across disciplines, and geographic and social divides.

We are thrilled to have her as our President and look forward to the future with her!