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Public promotion of the right to science

Addressing United Nations

On April 30th Science for Democracy held the first-ever online webinar on the Right to Science Titled “The Right to Science and Why it Matters”, it featured speakers from the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, UNESCO as well as Science for Democracy’s own experts.

  • Andrea Boggio, Professor of Legal Studies, Bryant University, who introduced and chaired
  • Mikel Mancisidor, visiting Professor at the University of Deusto, member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), co-rapporteur on the General Comment on Science 
  • April Tash and Konstantinos Tararas, Programme Specialists at the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO.
    “UNESCO and the right to science: past milestones and future perspectives”
    “Scientists’ perspectives on the right to science: from definition to implementation”
  • Jessica Wyndham, Director of the Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights and Law Program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

    General Comment: now what?
  • Cesare Romano, Professor of Law, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, chaired with questions 
  • Marco Cappato & Marco Perduca, coordinators Science for Democracy

Participants discussed the publication of the General Comment on Science and its implications.

Below you can find the interventions in written form, listed by speaker’s name.
Andrea Boggio
Mikel Mancisidor
Jessica Windham


Do you want to contribute to the promotion of the right to science?

Contact Science for Democracy if you want to organise an event or a webinar to promote the right to science or learn more about this new old human right.