On the 6th of December during the event (Digital) Democracy is a Human Right; Design it, Implement it, Experience It at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels, one of the sessions was dedicated to showcasing P-Cube, the Public Policy Playing game. P-Cube is a Erasmus+ funded project, and the game has been developed to teach different groups of people the theory and practice of public policy making. To find more information about the whole project, read more here.
After a demonstration by Claudio Radaelli of one of the games developed by Science for Democracy, the floor was opened to questions and comment from the audience. Students and lecturers joined the showcase from the University of Ghent, College of Europe, Sciences Po Paris and Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Below find a quick recap of the session and Science for Democracy’s input into the project, and some photos from the event! If you are interested in hearing more about the project, and/or would like to get involved, do not hesitate to contact our Project Officer at s.smith@sciencefordemocracy.org.