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VI World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research

  • 31 Dec 2019
The sixth session of the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research organized by the Luca Coscioni Association will be held in Addis Ababa on 25 and 26 February 2020. The meeting is promoted together with Science for Democracy and the Commission of the African Union.
For the last five years, the Luca Coscioni Association has placed the promotion of the “right to science” at the center of her international activities; it is also for this reason the title of the meeting is The right to enjoy the benefits of science, an African perspective. As a matter of fact, the “Right to Science” foresees the necessary freedom to research, the need to share knowledge, and the universal right to enjoy the benefits deriving from the most recent scientific discoveries.
Throughout 2019, Marco Cappato and Marco Perduca, along with other members of the Luca Coscioni Association and Science for Democracy, have traveled to Africa to define the program. In the photo below they are together with Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor African Commissioner for Research.

Learn more about the full program and the registration for the World Scientific Congress for Freedom of Research