LIVE Contribute to our "Our Bodies, Our Stories" campaign to  protect reproductive freedom.

Our Bodies, Our Stories

Help us promote and protect reproductive rights and justice by sharing your story of having or not being able to have an abortion. We are collecting stories from people like you to bring awareness to restrictive sexual and reproductive health policies and regulations around the world. These stories will be shared during a webinar Science for Democracy will be hosting on the subject in March.

We are looking for personal stories of how seeking and receiving or not receiving abortion treatment affected you or a loved one. Please feel free to be as detailed as you would like, and include any obstacles you faced in the process and how it made you feel. You can also share if you have been affected by someone else’s journey seeking or not being able to receive an abortion.

All stories and information shared are completely anonymous, we only ask that you share some basic demographics for statistics purposes. The stories are collected in this Google form. If you would like, you can also share your story in the form of a video or voice recording by emailing us directly as with the subject “Abortion Story”.

Together, we can protect the right to abortion for all.